ADVISE-DETA Ltd. is developing and marketing advanced technologies and intelligent systems ensuring the quality in composite materials manufacturing with a focus on industrial automation and materials engineering. ADVISE-DETA Ltd. was established in 2015 at London, United Kingdom and has received IP on the relevent technologies from ADVISE, which was established in 2010 at Chios, Greece.

ADVISE-DETA is using the long and widely recognised expertise of its personnel in designing and implementing knowledge intensive industrial systems which emerge out of research activities. The company has flourished in the development of a wealth of technological prototypes solving significant problems that the composite manufacturing industry faces. During the product development, the company has collaborated with prominent research organisations and industries worldwide.



The experienced staff of ADVISE-DETA have completed successfully and are still participating on research and development projects on aeronautical manufacturing technologies, materials and production optimisation, design and implementation of materials inspection systems, automation and instrumentation. This technical expertise will allow the effective transformation to commercial industrial products through demonstrations and installations at key industrial organisations. The objective is to establish a sustainable scheme to promote and market the powerful process monitoring (dielectric) and quality assessment (sensing and NDI) technology in industrial production of composite materials.


The developed technological prototypes include sensors, measurement systems and software suites for composite materials analysis, production monitoring, inspection and control as well as for shopfloor knowledge integration.

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